Quick review of previous post, I've always acquired more than I'd really needed to complete whatever topic holds my interests at that moment. Many interests of family, quilting, needle- works of all types, beading, reading, movies, hiking, biking, dancing, traveling, cooking, and Life. "If a little was good, than more was better" was one of my mantras. Even going as far as a self-claimed title of "PRINCESS OF QUITE ALOT, and QUEEN OF WHATEVER!" But enough! My passions are running into all parts of my house and I realize that I need to pare down this stuff. Especially if we will ever move to a warmer climate as we continue to age. So besides working on UFO's, my Weight, organizing my house and my life it'll be posted.
The photo added to this entry is my "AUTUMN SONG" quilt. It was recently on the home page of http://www.stashbuster.com/ since all the fabrics were selected out of my "fabric library"(aka:stash) HeHeHe . I actually ran out of one of the fabrics, but luckily I remembered a friend bought some at the same time that I did and she generously donated it to my quilt. This took a little over a year to complete. I designed it on EQ5 after looking through my quilt book library. My inspiration came from It's Okay To Sit onMY Quilt Book, by Mary Ellen Hopkins.
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