
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Right, Wrong or indifferent... there are Consequences!

It's with horror when I think about George Floyd's death Murder.  Regardless of color, age, faith, race or place of origin, education or creed there needs to be respect for all life- albeit People, plants and animals of this earth.  Trying my best to assimilate what occurred as George was struggling and pleading for breath, now there will be consequences...   All because he was passing a counterfeit $20 bill, consequences,.....

What would I have done if I was a witness to it?  I hope I'd have the courage to walk calmly towards the fray and let all know they were being filmed and I already uploaded one film to the cloud.  Recording what was done and said as GF was pleading and struggling to breath,

 The acquittal of officers from another headline victim/murder of Eric Garner who also paid the ultimate consequence and the perpetrators now being charged with criminal intent, will be consequences....

The riots that are felt and the outrage because of recent events occurring, there are and will be Consequences!  Locally someone defaced a monument with ACAB paint (meaning "All cops are Bad") this is so not true.  Most law enforcement enter this service to protect and serve.  Yet with years sof insults abuse some may be hardened and less amenable to the public's pleas, there again consequences.

Hate and betrayal does not wipe the slate clean of previous hates and betrayals, it only instills more hate and betrayals so it elevates the discord further yet with more consequences...

I don't have the answers as there are so many points of view on rights of individuals.  Just look at the Co Vid data and where some people believe they have the right to not wear masks, go where and when they want, etc.,...there again Consequences are relative as with this current event.  
Will riots make an improvement?
Will defacing public domains help?
Will attacking anything tangible prove positive? 

A probation Office in Albany, NY being torn apart with fire bombs thrown in while a worker was in there..more consequences!
DH just mentioned that it was caught on tape many black outraged men clubbing a white owner who was trying to stop his property from being looted and now he too has paid the ultimate price.  Now more consequences.   I saw another video with four men with guerrilla styled clothes trying to intimidate an elderly women in front of her store, where she held her ground and then they attacked like the cowards they are, actually one of them using a 2 x 4 x 6-8' piece of lumber to beat her with.  Wouldn't their mothers be proud of that?!  I hope those thugs are found and get the consequences they deserve.  

What would Jesus do?
All I can say is there are and will be consequences to everyone of what he or she said and did.
This insanity needs to stop.