Please accept my apologies Mary and Madamme Samm for being so last minute with this one. Between Dr's Appointments, family commitments, quilt classes (Yes, I had two full day classes recently which I'll share on another day/post - they were with Pam Druhen and Bonnie Hunter) grandchildren and children spending several hours here today to celebrate Mothers day, besides being away, all of it took a toll on my project's process. Of course starting it in the first of May didn't help my case out either!
My inspiration came from this fabric.
I Just love how many different birds are graffiti printed on this fabric and those colors, YUMM! Birdie fathers, offspring of babies and younger birds, besides a Momma bird which is so apropro for today, Mother's Day . It couldn't be more perfect. The different colorations, directions and sizes capture the elements of my family which I value highly.
I fell in love with this graffiti stylized bird print several months ago. Since one of my LQS was having their anniversary salelast month, I snapped up about 9 yeards total of this print and some coordinating fabrics that I've been lusting wishing for but wouldn't allow myself to buy.
The fabric line is called Love Lives Here by P. Carter Carpin for P&B Textiles. Ahhh.. so dreamy, romantic and yet wonky! Just like my family, lol.
So without further adieau- Here's the quilt top I made for "It's For the Birds!" blog hop.
Not being sure which pattern I'd use either until I ran across a recent catalog from Connecting Threads. On page 22, a Jane Hardy Miller had a pattern and/or kit available called Stacked Blox Crib Quilt.
In a previous post I mentioned that her kit with the pattern was crib size and that wouldn't work for the queen bed for the master bedroom in the camper. So a lot of math was called for and Voila! The top for our camper quilt is done.
I will be adding a border on three sides which will be that soft blue color, second from the bottom on that stacked blocks on the right. I also ran into a problem of not having enough of that Dimple dot brown to finish the borders in how I sketched it out, so I'll be getting more of that next week when we go for DH's surgery out of state.
The blocks finished at 12" and with the layout in a 5 X 8 block grid, this is the perfect size for the camper's master bed. The colors will go nicely with it too without being too matchy. ;-)
With borders it should finish 80" x 94", a very comfortable quilt.
Thanks for stopping by and if you have time, please check out the other bloggers who are participating with this hop.
Monday, May 13
Tuesday, May 14
Wednesday, May 15
Thanks Madamme Samm for thinking of another fun hop and thanks too for Mary for being such a gracious cheerleader.
You may ask what's up next for me? Well, going to bed is first on my agenda then maybe tomorrow I can find the time to check my email which has been neglected since last Wednesday, press this top so it lays better, make some jello since I need to only have clear liquids and food for Monday beside s the grands, etc....
I hope everyone was blessed with a wonderful Mother's Day!
Love your quilt! Best to Hubby on his surgery. Thank you for sharing.
Such great birdie fabric! And I love your quilt! Looks great! Have fun finishing it!
Jane your quilt is awesome...and I too love the whimsical fabric...I must try to get some... thanks for sharing
so lovely your quilt with the sweet tweets. love the fabric. thakns for sharing. Frederika
Very cute, thanks for sharing your lovely work!
The fabric is striking - I think we all understand about busy schedules - no worries - enjoy the hop :)
Love your birdy fabric it compliments your quilt really well.
Your quilt with the cute bird print is so lovely. Thanks for sharing your creativity
Well it turned our lovely. That is a great fabric. Congratulations on your finish and your post was error free!
Your quilt top is beautiful, I love that bird fabric!
The bird fabric is cute. Good luck getting it finished. Your camper bed will look great.
Your top is pretty! Great job on finishing!
Love your quilt! That bird fabric is great and I also like the stacked blocks. Great job... so glad you got it done for posting today!
wonderful little quilt!!
Very nice quilt....cute fabric!
Very nice - thanks for sharing.
That is a pretty fabric and your quilt came out very nice.
You did a fine job. Love the fabric.Thank you for being part of this hop.
:) Great pattern to showcase your lovely bird fabrics! :)
:) Great pattern to showcase your lovely bird fabrics! :)
OOohhhh The first one to comment. The quilt looks wonderful and will be a perfect addition to your camper. I can see why you have been lu..wishing for the print. It's simple beautiful and Thank You for sharing it with us.
You are making my head spin with the whirlwind you have been going through and apparently will continue to go through. But look you have the top just about done minus borders. What a cute bird print you used!
Good for you as well making the pattern work for you. It seems sometimes that people feel like they are locked into a pattern or kit and won't/ can't do the math or make changes producing an exact duplicate. I hope they learn to branch out as it opens the whole of the quilting world.
Nice quilt. I like the birds. Hope you have a peaceful week.
That is just the cutest fabric I have seen. Love your choice of patterns to use it with. You've got a winner. Your weekend class sounds fabulous. I know you had a great time.
The design and fabrics are beautiful...nice job!
Stunning birds Jane....this is going to be a quilt that will be need to tied down..well you know in case it flies lol
I love that fabric too! Very nice work. It will make a beautiful finish.
Love your quilt and the fabric is wonderful, all those cute birds. Life does get in the way of quilting sometimes . Thanks for sharing hope to see it when finished
Love your quilt. The bird fabric is fabulous! Thanks for sharing.
Nicely done! That's some fantastic fabric you've used :)
Cute quilt - I love the bird fabric!
Thank you for sharing!
I love that bird fabric!!! That will be perfect for a camper:)
What a beautiful quilt! That fabric is so much fun!! Great job!
I love the birdie fabric. The colors in the fabric are absolutely gorgeous. I love the aqua. Aqua was my mom's favorite color so that is apropos for mother's day for me. I think the colors are perfect for a camper. Many of the colors will "hide" dirt which is a plus in a camper. Of course, it's great that quilts can be tossed in the washer and dryer. If you had not told us that you were under pressure to get your project done, we would not have any idea, your work is superb. Thanks for particpating and all the inspiration - especially with all you have on your plate. I hope to see you soon in more hops.
That is some cool fabric. I like that pattern.
What luscious fabrics, and the brown is yummy it almost looks so soft and supple. Is it Minkee or just looks rich like it? Love the quilt.
Turned out great. That fabric is really cute and the colors are wonderful in it.
Wonderful! Thanks for being on the hop...I'm so glad I wasn't the only one sewing at the last minute!
Very pretty. Thank you for sharing with us.
Very cute.
Cute little birds fabric and I like the pattern!
Cute quilt!
Absolutely beautiful quilt top! I love the bird fabric too!
You made real birdy eyecandy, so glad you finished in time! I love your top, thanks for sharing.
Love it!!!!!
Those wonky blocks are just the greatest!
Great job!
I had to smile when I saw your fabric. My quilt for this hop was inspired by the same fabric. I absolutely love the colors of your quilt.
I love your project and your inspiration fabric is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Hi!!! Your quilt is beautiful!!! I love all the fabric too!!!!
What sweet fabric. Nice job on the quilt!
Thanks for sharing.
Great fabric and it worked up into a wonderful quilt
That is adorable fabric and you did a great job with the quilt. Blue for the border should be perfect. Hope your life slows down...just a bit. :)
Great quilt. Love the fabric!
I love the quilt pattern you used it really makes the fabric you chose stand out.
The bitd fabric is cute! Very nice work, thank you for sharing!
Such beautiful fabric! I love the way you have used it.
Such beautiful fabric! I love the way you have used it.
Such beautiful fabric! I love the way you have used it.
Fantastic! Love the birdie fabric.
Lovely quilt, Jane--such great fabrics!! This seems to be an especially busy time of year for all of us--hope we can find more time to relax very soon!
What a beautiful quilt with wonderful fabric! I love it. And I hear you on waiting until the last minute to finish projects! I did the same thing in the April Showers hop! haha!
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