My dear Uncle Don passed away yesterday. He was a kind, dedicated, honorable, large and very determined man. There are so many attritubes that he collected in his 81 years young, that it is with relief and sadness I am posting this. Gainfully employed his whole life, with the traditional dedicated wife and children. Thereby followed with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. For the most part he was a man who kept to himself. Sharing a few intellectual and insightful words here and there, BUT don't anybody even think of crossing that man. That would be when the determination that runs through our family line will rear it's head very quickly and THAT is THAT! End of subject.
His life ended without him really knowing all who loved him. Alhzeimers is such a terrible, unforgiving and encroaching disease. Robbing a family of a person well before the body starts giving up. He will be missed. I'll end this as he always did when we were parting. "Janie, You be good now."
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Holiday Gathering Successful
I hope all of you had a wonderful Holiday, whatever religious traditions you lean towards. On Christmas Eve, we were able to attend the candle light service for church. Our daughter and her family also went, so it was even more special with our precious granddaughter at church with us.
Christmas day was uneventful and normally paced. All of our family came for dinner at 5:30, that was followed by gift exchanges around the tree shortly afterwards. A splendid time was had by all! Our menu was super easy this year. Not trying to outdo any recipes, we purchased frozen lasagna and garlic bread. Yummy and easy! Perfect. Note to self....keep things easy so you can really enjoy without any added stress!
With the Near Year coming along so quickly, I am thinking about what, if any new positive changes I chould/should embrace, besides trying to maintain the healthier life styles choices I've already implemented.
The guild my Mom belongs to is having their UFO challenge again this year. I'll be posting my UFOs on a future posting. Hopefully with this year's challenge I'll be able to keep up with the pace. Last years', I did complete 1 UFO (the postage stamp basket stippling skillbuilder)and attempted to finish one other UFO, I still need to finish that one though! Total count was five, so most people would say I failed horribly, but being the optimist I am, I say yeah! 1 more UFO down! How's that for self delusion! HeHeHe. Stay Well.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Getting ready for the Holidays have always been very hectic and tiring for me, but not this year. All the packages have been sent and all are wrapped, now to get to the Christmas cards today. Usually I have multi-tasked to get everything done but this year, I've been able to stay with one task until completed where then I'll get to the next project. It is very pleasing to say...thats all done, now this is all done... I love this time of year. There is a Christmas Coral this evening at a nearby church that I want to see this evening.
Much has happened since my last post. My DH had a pacemaker replacement, I've had 2 different surgical procedures and my daughter has a new son. What a large little guy he is. He weighed over 9lb! Mom and he are both healthy and happy. Our computer, in the den has hit a wall and our digital camera was broke on our way home from my brothers house over the Thankgiving Holiday. So was able to purchase a new camera, BUT the computer won't allow any more increases in space for this type of software program to run. It is being replaced since it's over 9 years old. So I'll post pictures of PGS#3 when our electronic woes are fixed. I think I may hold on to the old upgraded computer for my sewing room. I will have to rearrange all of it to accomodate it, so we'll see. Just a muse at this point.
Creatively, was able to rip out all the stitches of the waffletime runner, however haven't made the time for much sewing with every thing else going on. Hopefully I find a little time today for some. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
A time of family, good food and gratitude, Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite days. I do hope that yours is full of festive fellowship.
I am happy for an opportunity to reflect on the things that I am truly grateful for at this time of the year. My family, home, country, freedom(s), health, love, friends (including my Personal fitness instructor!), passions, intelligence and the limitless possibilities this life has offered. We are so blessed to live in this interesting time and this country. So much has been developed when you see the great strides technology has gone through and I wonder, what next? With all the improvements in electronics, health technology, economics and time saving strategies I am be fuddled as to why I am so tired so often. Is it the side effects of all the meds the Drs. have me on for my back and shoulder injury? Even that, thank goodness the medicines are available and here again we are blessed with a good prescription coverage when not covered by the workers comp. prescription plan. My DH keeps saying, "Enjoy the Golden years honey". I am trying to get some energy back and have noticed a slight improvement since I joined the local gym and have been working out more regularly. Hopefully I'll be able to get some of my old mojo back.
Well, may your Thanksgiving be all that you imagine. Stay safe and keep love in your hearts.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I am so satisfied but sore! I was able to meet my personal trainer 2 times this past week. We met on Tuesday and she adapted many exercies to alleviate problems from my back injury. Despite that, by the time I got home after a couple of errands I hurt so bad I went to bed. The next day I did 12 minutes on my elliptical, So we met again on Thursay. I was actually hobbling into the Y to meet her. After moving for awhile the pain eases somewhat, so I was able to do the exercises on that day. We are targeting different areas with each meeting. Usually we start with an aerobic activity such as walking or biking then move on and do weights. Typically a light weight with 2 sets of 8 or 10 repetitions. It has been wonderful. This week I will be joining the Gym. I need to put myself first instead of all my family's commitments. I know I am not the only woman and mother that has done this. I am trying to instill in my daughter to make time for herself. I know I was a horrible example in this, so I am trying to let her know the best example is to live it for her daughter. That she needs to break that family trend!

I was able to get the table runner totally woven and did get the fabric borders selected for it and have pre washed all. Now to get to it. Maybe I could FOCUS on that and have it done so I could hand sew the binding on while travelling to my brothers' home in Rhode Island for Thanksgiving.
Recently, I quilted my waffle time runner which I backed with Kaffe Fassett Westminister fabrics, to make it reversible. I love the fabrics and the design of quilting I used. It was from Kim Stotsenberg, Just Leaf It design. But Yuck! My stitches were horrible... so have been ripping them out to have a redo on the quilting! Well TaTa for now!
I was able to get the table runner totally woven and did get the fabric borders selected for it and have pre washed all. Now to get to it. Maybe I could FOCUS on that and have it done so I could hand sew the binding on while travelling to my brothers' home in Rhode Island for Thanksgiving.
Recently, I quilted my waffle time runner which I backed with Kaffe Fassett Westminister fabrics, to make it reversible. I love the fabrics and the design of quilting I used. It was from Kim Stotsenberg, Just Leaf It design. But Yuck! My stitches were horrible... so have been ripping them out to have a redo on the quilting! Well TaTa for now!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Stitcher's angel gifts received!
I received some wonderful gifts in the mail the other day from My stitcher's angel that Helen set up for a swap. My angel is a friend from Hungary named Anita that made some items for me and also sent a Hungarian crafter's magazine too. They are all beautiful and made very nicely. My gifts were all contained in an envelope of squishy items so I couldn't wait to tear into it. The first thing I found was the lovely stitching bag. It is bright yellow with bright yellow embroidery showing an angel noting to "take time to smell the flowers".
How did she know I like flowers? It also came with a flower shaped pin cushion in the same yellow fabric, a nice needle book with an embroidery saying "Taking care of you needles" with an angels' head and wings centered over it, besides a scissor holder with a twisted cord for tying my scissors on to. This also has an angel on one side with the saying "Taking care of you scissors" on the other, what a clever stitcher my angel is. When I saw this pattern on the web it showed a cat embroidered, not my favorite animal by far, especially since I'm allergic to them. Anita D from Hungary, my stitcher's angel did an outstanding job on all of these items. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I wish I wasn't having these computer memory difficulties. Urgggggh! Well enjoy your day, I'm especially enjoying mine, so now I'm off to stitch a little.
I wish I wasn't having these computer memory difficulties. Urgggggh! Well enjoy your day, I'm especially enjoying mine, so now I'm off to stitch a little.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Shopping my stash
Last night I went to class #2 on the star weave table runner. I was able to finish the weave and got as far as pinning down the perimeter. While figuring the gold and black stars would be appropriate to have out on New Years Eve and also during Halloween, I figure I'll make this reversible.
So shopping in my stash I found a black with gold scrolling throughout for the New Year's Eve borders on one side, but alas, not enough Halloween fabric for the other side. :-( I had one that would have been perfect but only had 1/4 yard. Not enough. Contemplated what to do and so during my musings read my email. Fat quarter shop has a 50% discount on Halloween fabric. I am on the stashbuster's No-Buy Challenge which means I am not to buy any additional fabric because it's a sale or because I like it or even want to do a new project. I only can buy "B" fabrics. They are: Borders, Backing, binding, background, and batting. Yippee. I won't break my vow and I can legally buy border fabric and it's even on sale! SO I did order 2 yards of a suitable novelty fabric, that I think will work. It's always so hard to tell the exact coloring though when ordering online.
Regarding my movements and trying to become healthier I'd like to share some excitement. Since it was my Birthday this past week, I decided to give myself a present. Several weeks ago at a wedding, a lady I know has been taking classes and trying to become a personal fitness trainer. She was looking for a "Guinea Pig" to try out her style and technique with some honest feedback. She approached me at the wedding. With having a couple of glasses of wine and my back bothering me, I did not respond either way... I told her I'd think about it. Well I called her on Monday. Yes, she was still looking for someone. We met at the mall and walked it, then had coffee and tea to discuss the highlights and expectations. It is a go. I am thrilled. We met again on Thursday and walked in the local park that I like to walk the trails at. Disappointed here though, the landowners had posted signs all over and are leasing the land out for lumbering. The trails that have always been so nice are now logging trails through the woods. Despite that, we did walk probably a little over a mile.
Today I walked by myself about 1.25 miles. I am going to be giving myself a little gift when I reach a short term goal of walking 20 miles. (Donna's idea). She also has wonderful insight and highly suggests for me to get out of the house to exercise. (This is something my Mom and Sisters have been telling me for years)So we will meet at the gym on Tuesday. She obtained a week's pass at the local YMCA for me. I am so pysched, my own personal trainer. I'm feeling very wonderful and special by doing this.
My quilting is progressing along nicely too. I did finish PGD#1 little Dance Bag. Her Mom wanted e to make a little bag to hold a change of clothes, tap shoes and her ballet shoes. So I followed a patterned tote in the book, Quilted Bags and Totes. Here is the finished tote.
I love the way I quilted it. The top portion is stippled with a meander, while on the bottom I did a loopy loop with 5 pointed stars inserted sporatically. My stitches are really well done and I am quite happy. So is PGD, she saw it today and was holding it over her shoulder like a "big girl" going shopping.
So shopping in my stash I found a black with gold scrolling throughout for the New Year's Eve borders on one side, but alas, not enough Halloween fabric for the other side. :-( I had one that would have been perfect but only had 1/4 yard. Not enough. Contemplated what to do and so during my musings read my email. Fat quarter shop has a 50% discount on Halloween fabric. I am on the stashbuster's No-Buy Challenge which means I am not to buy any additional fabric because it's a sale or because I like it or even want to do a new project. I only can buy "B" fabrics. They are: Borders, Backing, binding, background, and batting. Yippee. I won't break my vow and I can legally buy border fabric and it's even on sale! SO I did order 2 yards of a suitable novelty fabric, that I think will work. It's always so hard to tell the exact coloring though when ordering online.
Regarding my movements and trying to become healthier I'd like to share some excitement. Since it was my Birthday this past week, I decided to give myself a present. Several weeks ago at a wedding, a lady I know has been taking classes and trying to become a personal fitness trainer. She was looking for a "Guinea Pig" to try out her style and technique with some honest feedback. She approached me at the wedding. With having a couple of glasses of wine and my back bothering me, I did not respond either way... I told her I'd think about it. Well I called her on Monday. Yes, she was still looking for someone. We met at the mall and walked it, then had coffee and tea to discuss the highlights and expectations. It is a go. I am thrilled. We met again on Thursday and walked in the local park that I like to walk the trails at. Disappointed here though, the landowners had posted signs all over and are leasing the land out for lumbering. The trails that have always been so nice are now logging trails through the woods. Despite that, we did walk probably a little over a mile.
Today I walked by myself about 1.25 miles. I am going to be giving myself a little gift when I reach a short term goal of walking 20 miles. (Donna's idea). She also has wonderful insight and highly suggests for me to get out of the house to exercise. (This is something my Mom and Sisters have been telling me for years)So we will meet at the gym on Tuesday. She obtained a week's pass at the local YMCA for me. I am so pysched, my own personal trainer. I'm feeling very wonderful and special by doing this.
My quilting is progressing along nicely too. I did finish PGD#1 little Dance Bag. Her Mom wanted e to make a little bag to hold a change of clothes, tap shoes and her ballet shoes. So I followed a patterned tote in the book, Quilted Bags and Totes. Here is the finished tote.
CVQG class,
no buy,
Projects Dance Tote
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
Today, history is being made. I do wonder what direction this country will go in. Being an optimist, I believe all things are possible, yet at the same time believe each one of us makes a difference. We all contribute positively, negatively or if no preferences made, then we each add to the burden of others, thereby without our input, makes a difference.
I want to be a positive being in all I do. I feel like I always try to maintain myself with grace and dignity. Usually when I'm faced with challenges, its difficult for me to move forward. Although I feel I do move forward just with my thinking and appraising a situation. Recently friends sent me a distressing email. I truly was surprised at the flavor of the note. My response was to clarify my intention and to soothe their egos and yet personally I have written them off. When hurt by something or someone, I'll forgive them but, I will no longer hold them close or to trust them again. So this friendship will be now of my convenience, if it is to be at all. They did once hold a dear place in my heart and were good for me and my family when I needed them and when they also needed me. But clearly that time is no more. It is time to continue moving forward.
My stitcher's angel gifts were received by Cuny from the Netherlands. In this blog you can see her or it might be her daughter Karen, modelling her apron. I am so glad she likes the gifts I made for her. I truly enjoyed this swap and am so glad I was able to fulfill it so pleasantly.
Well, I have a sick grandchild here today who is yelling MeMe! So I'll go comfort her. Enjoy your day. Today DH and I will vote, then go on to visit PGS#1 at his school. His birthday was the day before Halloween when we were in VT at a Cooking show and couldn't visit him, so we'll celebrate with him tonight.
Take Care.
I want to be a positive being in all I do. I feel like I always try to maintain myself with grace and dignity. Usually when I'm faced with challenges, its difficult for me to move forward. Although I feel I do move forward just with my thinking and appraising a situation. Recently friends sent me a distressing email. I truly was surprised at the flavor of the note. My response was to clarify my intention and to soothe their egos and yet personally I have written them off. When hurt by something or someone, I'll forgive them but, I will no longer hold them close or to trust them again. So this friendship will be now of my convenience, if it is to be at all. They did once hold a dear place in my heart and were good for me and my family when I needed them and when they also needed me. But clearly that time is no more. It is time to continue moving forward.
My stitcher's angel gifts were received by Cuny from the Netherlands. In this blog you can see her or it might be her daughter Karen, modelling her apron. I am so glad she likes the gifts I made for her. I truly enjoyed this swap and am so glad I was able to fulfill it so pleasantly.
Well, I have a sick grandchild here today who is yelling MeMe! So I'll go comfort her. Enjoy your day. Today DH and I will vote, then go on to visit PGS#1 at his school. His birthday was the day before Halloween when we were in VT at a Cooking show and couldn't visit him, so we'll celebrate with him tonight.
Take Care.
Friday, October 31, 2008
The wall hanging on the left I finished several months ago. Thought it would be nice to share it with you now though since Halloween is here. Its named "Witch's Delight".
I do love the fall. In the Adirondacks, the air is crisp and aromatic. The colors seem so intense. Usually the sky has a more formidable look. Perhaps a warning that cooler, wetter and whiter weather will soon be here.
With witches all around for the Trick or Treat season, I thought it was appropriate to share a couple photos of 2 of my grandchildren. This is PGS#2 who is age 12. Preteen years are a troublesome time usually, but he can be so nice. Just look at the photos to see the attentiveness he gives to his cousin, PGD#1 who is 3. He is actually acting a little goofy trying on her hat while playing with her. She was on her way to a Halloween party this past Sunday, so her Mom thought it would be nice to stop by to "scare" Meme and Papi with the little witch. We are so blessed.
PGS#2 age 12
PGD#1 age 3
PGD#1 with her full attire!
PGD#1 at her preschool Halloween Parade.

I just love this photo. It makes me think that she's envisioning her future and the fine woman she will become.
The family genetics are amazing . Her look reminds me of her Mom, My youngest sister, and 2 different nieces besides of course a little of me.
Hmmm.... I too wonder.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Stitcher's angel gifts are off!
The candy dish I was able to do relatively quickly and I also filled it with my favorite chocolates.... REISEN. I actually purchased this container when a local department store was closing their doors forever, and it may well be at least 15 years that I've stored it so I get to continue my stash busting as well. Glad to finally have a purpose and to give it to someone who loves blues is even nicer! I don't think I've ever completed 3 items so quickly or not since I was in my 20's anyways. It seems like all the projects I do now are so large that it takes me months if not a year or two to get them completed. Of course I won't mention how many UFO's are about 10 years old or so!
Yesterday I was really hurting because of my back injury. I vacuumed my house but boy am I ever paying for it. Was able to get DH to help carry and lift things, but even with a transmission on my Kirby vacuum helping with it's movements it still bothered me. I know if I left it for DH to get done, he would find no fault in using the hand held vac and do spot vacuumming (which he usually does) but this has been getting me twisted each time I see it, so I had to do something! Some things a man can't do the same, no matter how he tries!
Now that I've met that deadline for the angels gifts think I'll either continue making the woven star table runner that was started as you can see by the pics, OR pull out a pre- kitted item I've had boxed for years. I purchased the pattern and fabrics when the Quilting Bee in Glens Falls was still open about 6-7 years ago. Some of the fabrics are more clothing style of fabrics with polyesters and blends which I picked up in the local Joanns when this area had one. It should work out perfectly since the pattern is of Dracula in a coffin. Perfect if I could get it completed by Halloween! I'll probably do that one. The style is similiar to the santa wallhanging by Debbie Mumm that really pushed my addiction into quilting......the rest is history or so it's said!
Well, have to run, DH and I are going to visit our PGS, age 14, this afternoon. He's away at a school for autitstic children and I promised we be there today with the requested Burgers from a fast-food place that he's been craving besides some other goodies he wants us to bring. Enjoy your day, I know I'll enjoy mine (even with the aches).
Your Thinking is Concrete and Sequential |
You tend to get to the point and get things done. Difficult, detailed work is easy for you. You take things step by step. Time limits aren't a problem for you either. You work well with deadlines. What does drive you crazy is any sort of task that isn't precisely laid out. You don't like anything to be ambiguous. You prefer to deal with the facts at hand. |
What Kind of Thinker Are You?
stitcher's angel swap,
Monday, October 20, 2008
Whirlwind of a weekend!
It was a very busy weekend. But it really started last week! We have the youngest grandchild here 3 days a week since she is in Nursery School. Her Mom works at the local hospital and as a supervisor, had to work this past weekend too. The Operating room was being moved into a newly constructed area. SO we had PGD stay Friday night with us. Not too bad, she was only up twice in the night, and yelling, MEMEEE, MEMEEEE! Obviously my name. SO up and got her settled. Next morning, she has Dance class at 9:00 am 1/2 hour away. And of course pancakes are what is wanted for breakfast (It's the usual request from all the grandchildren). So make pancakes, breakfast and then to get the little one dressed. She thinks it's a game! Running around saying I can't catch her. Finally dressed in her leotard and tights, Ooops! The tights are suppose to go first. Undo all and get her to the bathroom, then to redo the dressing. Game all over again. By this time I'm exhausted! Finally dresses, off to dance class. Such an angel. Does everything the dance instructor tells her. I'm complemented on what a wonderful child she is (and she really is!, but this morning I'm not so sure. Maybe it was the sleep that was interupted in the night?) ANyways, off to Walmart to get a couple of items needed. Then home. We are going to make cupcakes, have lunch then a Nap is what I have planned. She had other ideas. Cupcakes, lunch, play dollies, play grocery store. go outside to play, DH is in garage changing the oil on truck, going to the recycle center and making something in his garage. Hmmm... I still haven't done one thing for me yet today! He's read his newspaper, read his email and I haven't had time for even a simple bathroom break. I start resenting this. SO, it's now about 3:30 pm and still no nap for PGD . I talk PGD into going to play with Papi. My husband looks like he is a deer in headlamps. Watches her for 7 minutes and then has the audacity to ask me to watch her so he can go to the bathroom! At this point I'm ready to pull out my hair. Enter preciuos grandson from next door. He starts giving me his input on what I am doing, that I need to go watch PGD on the swing. Just what I wanted to hear at this point! Well I survived the day and was glad when daughter came home to pick her up. I think I went to bed by 7:30pm.
Sunday was much better, spending time with friends and traveling to a neighboring state to attend a small bead show and have lunch in a little bistro. Now this is a much smoother day and just what the Dr. ordered.
I do love my family and the grandchildrens' input in my life. I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and really needed MY Nap.
I'll close showing you a picture of PGD with a "pumpkin shirt" we made on Friday.
Sunday was much better, spending time with friends and traveling to a neighboring state to attend a small bead show and have lunch in a little bistro. Now this is a much smoother day and just what the Dr. ordered.
I do love my family and the grandchildrens' input in my life. I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and really needed MY Nap.
I'll close showing you a picture of PGD with a "pumpkin shirt" we made on Friday.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Another Glorious Fall Day
Well, I've only recently redone another initial blog post. Not sure how I've offended the bloggods, but I guess I must have. This is all new territory for me and a lesson being learned.
Some recent finishes for me are dyeing some fabrics that a friend, Trudy taught a few of the local quilters at "The Big House" on Lake Champlain. What a wonderful day: fabric, friends and great scenery and weather. Who could ask for anything more? The process is relatively simple but also a time consuming process. The technique was initially seen in Quilters Newsletter Magazine back in the 90's. We started by soaking the fabrics in a soda ash solution for 30 minutes. T
hen after wringing out the fabric, place them in one of 24 jars that had the dyes already mixed in them. Since I wanted a darker palette, my jars started with 1 Tablespoon of salt. The salt was plain salt with out the iodine added. The dyes were combinations of just 3 procion dyes, of course in the primary colors, red, yellow and blue. The photo at the top of my blog are the dark set I dyed, I'll also include a photo here too, just in case I change my header. Just gorgeous and very deep tones.
Since I had some dyes left over in the jars, I thought I'd try to use it up by using 2 fat eighths of fabrics. Just to see how they would respond, I used a white on white fabric and also the PFD (prepared for dyeing) muslin type of fabric. The latter had an ecru coloring to it and I wasn't sure how it would react. BUT, I really like the PFD fabrics in the finished affects. The colors have a deeper tone than the WOW fabric. I wonder how the initial dye would have been if I had used that one there too. Here is a picture of the second batch. I folded the fabrics by pairs so I could actually see the difference in the finish.
The column of fabrics on the left shows the top fabric is the WOW while the fabric just below it is the PFD fabric dyed in the same solution. See what I mean in the deeper tones being evident in the PFD. While looking at all the fabrics, it is apparant with every color. I was surprised that the red lost it's vavoom so soon. The yellow and blue seemed to hold it's coloration factor longest. Of course it wa about 1 month in between the 1st and 2nd batch, so maybe if I had been able to get to the 2nd set sooner, the red might have been there.
Yesterday was the best day yet this fall. To celebrate, I went on a little hike at the Point au Roche nature trails. It is such a blessing to live in an area as gorgeous as this. Especially during this season. There were Canadian Geese flocks all over heralding the passage of the season. Probably as many as 300 geese were floating in the lake not including the numerous flocks that were honking and flying overhead.

A recent finish of mine is the 5/4 apron. I took a class that the guild offered and it was to use 5 fat quarters. Using only two fabrics I altered the pattern of course, and did a liitle embroidery and applique making the best use of the fabric and machine appliqueing them onto the apron's pocket. I joined the "stitcher's angel swap" that is headed by Helen Stubbings. While dealing with my back injury, many nights are too uncomfortable to sleep, so I'll surf the web to keep the noise down and my movements at a minimum. So, after stumbling upon the swap site, I thought why not, So I joined in. The only stipulation is to complete 3 projects by October 18th and mail them to your stitcher friend. I have a lady in Holland. So far I've finished 2 of the projects and the third I've done the needle work, now only to finish with the assembling. I'll post a picture of the other 2 at another time.
Well enjoy your day, I know I'll enjoy mine. Perhaps I'll do another hike or maybe get to try out my kayak that's never been used. (too long an explanation to go into now). Looks to be another great day.
Some recent finishes for me are dyeing some fabrics that a friend, Trudy taught a few of the local quilters at "The Big House" on Lake Champlain. What a wonderful day: fabric, friends and great scenery and weather. Who could ask for anything more? The process is relatively simple but also a time consuming process. The technique was initially seen in Quilters Newsletter Magazine back in the 90's. We started by soaking the fabrics in a soda ash solution for 30 minutes. T
Since I had some dyes left over in the jars, I thought I'd try to use it up by using 2 fat eighths of fabrics. Just to see how they would respond, I used a white on white fabric and also the PFD (prepared for dyeing) muslin type of fabric. The latter had an ecru coloring to it and I wasn't sure how it would react. BUT, I really like the PFD fabrics in the finished affects. The colors have a deeper tone than the WOW fabric. I wonder how the initial dye would have been if I had used that one there too. Here is a picture of the second batch. I folded the fabrics by pairs so I could actually see the difference in the finish.
Yesterday was the best day yet this fall. To celebrate, I went on a little hike at the Point au Roche nature trails. It is such a blessing to live in an area as gorgeous as this. Especially during this season. There were Canadian Geese flocks all over heralding the passage of the season. Probably as many as 300 geese were floating in the lake not including the numerous flocks that were honking and flying overhead.
A recent finish of mine is the 5/4 apron. I took a class that the guild offered and it was to use 5 fat quarters. Using only two fabrics I altered the pattern of course, and did a liitle embroidery and applique making the best use of the fabric and machine appliqueing them onto the apron's pocket. I joined the "stitcher's angel swap" that is headed by Helen Stubbings. While dealing with my back injury, many nights are too uncomfortable to sleep, so I'll surf the web to keep the noise down and my movements at a minimum. So, after stumbling upon the swap site, I thought why not, So I joined in. The only stipulation is to complete 3 projects by October 18th and mail them to your stitcher friend. I have a lady in Holland. So far I've finished 2 of the projects and the third I've done the needle work, now only to finish with the assembling. I'll post a picture of the other 2 at another time.
Well enjoy your day, I know I'll enjoy mine. Perhaps I'll do another hike or maybe get to try out my kayak that's never been used. (too long an explanation to go into now). Looks to be another great day.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Well as a child, everyone was quick to yell, Do Over, and you'd get a chance to do exactly that. Well, Blogspot, literally yelled, Do Over, because all 4 or 5 of my previous entries are gone. Not sure what happened. But since I am doing this blogging to cultivate my desire to create, eliminate and organize my life, well I am going to do just that. This do over will be done over. BUT since all of it was gone at the blink of an eye, I think I'll be printing out and journalling of what I post for a while. That way, any completed projects will be documented, as well as other parts of my life. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Quick review of previous post, I've always acquired more than I'd really needed to complete whatever topic holds my interests at that moment. Many interests of family, quilting, needle- works of all types, beading, reading, movies, hiking, biking, dancing, traveling, cooking, and Life. "If a little was good, than more was better" was one of my mantras. Even going as far as a self-claimed title of "PRINCESS OF QUITE ALOT, and QUEEN OF WHATEVER!" But enough! My passions are running into all parts of my house and I realize that I need to pare down this stuff. Especially if we will ever move to a warmer climate as we continue to age. So besides working on UFO's, my Weight, organizing my house and my life it'll be posted.

The photo added to this entry is my "AUTUMN SONG" quilt. It was recently on the home page of since all the fabrics were selected out of my "fabric library"(aka:stash) HeHeHe . I actually ran out of one of the fabrics, but luckily I remembered a friend bought some at the same time that I did and she generously donated it to my quilt. This took a little over a year to complete. I designed it on EQ5 after looking through my quilt book library. My inspiration came from It's Okay To Sit onMY Quilt Book, by Mary Ellen Hopkins.
Quick review of previous post, I've always acquired more than I'd really needed to complete whatever topic holds my interests at that moment. Many interests of family, quilting, needle- works of all types, beading, reading, movies, hiking, biking, dancing, traveling, cooking, and Life. "If a little was good, than more was better" was one of my mantras. Even going as far as a self-claimed title of "PRINCESS OF QUITE ALOT, and QUEEN OF WHATEVER!" But enough! My passions are running into all parts of my house and I realize that I need to pare down this stuff. Especially if we will ever move to a warmer climate as we continue to age. So besides working on UFO's, my Weight, organizing my house and my life it'll be posted.
The photo added to this entry is my "AUTUMN SONG" quilt. It was recently on the home page of since all the fabrics were selected out of my "fabric library"(aka:stash) HeHeHe . I actually ran out of one of the fabrics, but luckily I remembered a friend bought some at the same time that I did and she generously donated it to my quilt. This took a little over a year to complete. I designed it on EQ5 after looking through my quilt book library. My inspiration came from It's Okay To Sit onMY Quilt Book, by Mary Ellen Hopkins.
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