Last night I went to class #2 on the star weave table runner. I was able to finish the weave and got as far as pinning down the perimeter. While figuring the gold and black stars would be appropriate to have out on New Years Eve and also during Halloween, I figure I'll make this reversible.
So shopping in my stash I found a black with gold scrolling throughout for the New Year's Eve borders on one side, but alas, not enough Halloween fabric for the other side. :-( I had one that would have been perfect but only had 1/4 yard. Not enough. Contemplated what to do and so during my musings read my email. Fat quarter shop has a 50% discount on Halloween fabric. I am on the stashbuster's No-Buy Challenge which means I am not to buy any additional fabric because it's a sale or because I like it or even want to do a new project. I only can buy "B" fabrics. They are: Borders, Backing, binding, background, and batting. Yippee. I won't break my vow and I can legally buy border fabric and it's even on sale! SO I did order 2 yards of a suitable novelty fabric, that I think will work. It's always so hard to tell the exact coloring though when ordering online.
Regarding my movements and trying to become healthier I'd like to share some excitement. Since it was my Birthday this past week, I decided to give myself a present. Several weeks ago at a wedding, a lady I know has been taking classes and trying to become a personal fitness trainer. She was looking for a "Guinea Pig" to try out her style and technique with some honest feedback. She approached me at the wedding. With having a couple of glasses of wine and my back bothering me, I did not respond either way... I told her I'd think about it. Well I called her on Monday. Yes, she was still looking for someone. We met at the mall and walked it, then had coffee and tea to discuss the highlights and expectations. It is a go. I am thrilled. We met again on Thursday and walked in the local park that I like to walk the trails at. Disappointed here though, the landowners had posted signs all over and are leasing the land out for lumbering. The trails that have always been so nice are now logging trails through the woods. Despite that, we did walk probably a little over a mile.
Today I walked by myself about 1.25 miles. I am going to be giving myself a little gift when I reach a short term goal of walking 20 miles. (Donna's idea). She also has wonderful insight and highly suggests for me to get out of the house to exercise. (This is something my Mom and Sisters have been telling me for years)So we will meet at the gym on Tuesday. She obtained a week's pass at the local YMCA for me. I am so pysched, my own personal trainer. I'm feeling very wonderful and special by doing this.

My quilting is progressing along nicely too. I did finish PGD#1 little Dance Bag. Her Mom wanted e to make a little bag to hold a change of clothes, tap shoes and her ballet shoes. So I followed a patterned tote in the book,
Quilted Bags and Totes. Here is the finished tote.

I love the way I quilted it. The top portion is stippled with a meander, while on the bottom I did a loopy loop with 5 pointed stars inserted sporatically. My stitches are really well done and I am quite happy. So is PGD, she saw it today and was holding it over her shoulder like a "big girl" going shopping.