So my report for this past Sunday, week #24 is:
My stash report for this week is:
Used this week: 0 yards
Used Year To date: 43.25 yds
Added This week: 0 yards
Added Year To Date: 59.5 yards
YTD is a gain of 16.25 yards
Close to finishing many WIPS, but nothing totally completed. I do hope I can count 2done soon, but I guess that means I'll have to drag them out to work on them. lol They won't finish themselves. Check out Judy's blog to see how much better many of the other participants are.
We still need to get the garden done and with the forecast of rain all week, not quite sure how we'll be able to fit it in. Well I guess that will give me some sewing time. Not a bad trade off at all.
Enjoy your Sunday,
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I took the process pledge
While checking out a favorite blog of mine, Crazy Mama quilts I noticed this icon and it struck a curiosity within me. So I checked it out at r0ssie's blog. I pledged, will you?
PS: My most current wallhanging is a Patch Abilities kit of Tulip Time that is ready for hand stitching the binding. Since I have to travel to Albany next week, I'm saving it for the car ride. Now which WIP to concentrate on next.
Because one of my mantras is Progress Not Perfection, I will show you how my Country Cottage Needlework - "JOY" is coming along.
With this you'll notice that many of the stitches are just half stitches. A new tip that I learned recently is to count off the stitches with a half stitch, that way while visiting with friends or traveling when it's too difficult or inconvenient to read the chart and count the threads, you can easily finish all those half stitches. Eureka! So with this, I have the leaves outlined and know I just need to fill the area with the correct thread, finish the half stitches, etc. Before I wouldn't allow myself to move around and do different portions at a time. I would have finished one area completely before jumping to the next. But it is fun. Of course I do relapse and will focus more on one section before jumping too far. Currently am focusing on the lower section first. Will continue doing the counting and reading while I can so the fill ins will be the last part finished.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Lupine growing where it wasn't planted but looking great where it is.
One of my poppy plants. This one had around 40+ flowers, it was spectacular!
The grapes on the grapevine are abundant this year. Those nasty schaefer beatles haven't gotten to it yet, but they have devoured my snowball bush. Seems like they love the white or very light colored flowers and tender shoots. I'll get hubs to spray and try to protect our grape clusters tomorrow.
The hurrier I go, the slower I seem to get. Despite my repeated efforts at organizing and cleaning my home there remains an unending list of areas that need attention and chores that need to get done. We had started some seeds indoors for our garden, but as yet, they need to be planted outside. A friend went to a Kripalu retreat recently and she came home with a new mantra- "HURRY SLOWLY". Makes you think doesn't it.
Perhaps I should take that mantra up as well besides already actually doing it because of my my pain conundrums. Hopefully I'll be able to report that the little bit of garden we will be putting in this year will be done by next week.
The problem that our old garden has it has a WEED from H*** in it and I can't get rid of it. I even removed all of my perenials and stripped them down to the bare bulbs sacrificing the flowers for a season to try to eliminate it before being replanted but the pervasive weed still remains and thrives. I'm leaning towards the thought that I need to place a barrier within my garden to totally stop the invasion towards the rest of my perenials, rhubarb, pear tree and such and call that area the weed garden. Hubs has started mowing paths through the lower garden to try to enjoy some of the flowers there. He even used killers in my garden which worked great on the plants but not on the weed! Go figure.
This is what it looks like:
See how the vegetation reminds you of a Chrysanthamum leaf. Sorry if I tortured the spelling.
Any ideas? I need help. I'll be stopping by the Cooperative Extension office tomorrow to see what they recommend.
So with that going on in the garden, we thought of having some raised beds with new soil and start again. GRRRRRRRR..... It's hard enough to feel well enough trying to keep up, without all that extra work, but it is worth it and there is nothing better than home grown tomatoes and freshly picked peas.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Stash Report #23
Nada, zildge, nothing to report this week. Same as last week's report.
So my report for this past Sunday, week #23 is:
My stash report for this week is:
Used this week: 0 yards
Used Year To date: 43.25 yds
Added This week: 0 yards
Added Year To Date: 59.5 yards
YTD is a gain of 16.25 yards
I did revamp a wedding party set for a friend who is getting married in July. Everything that was black had to be ripped out and changed to the soft orange. Here is the end result.

Can't claim the use of fabric though since the bride supplied it and then took the rest back with her. This has been kicking around my home for the past 3-4 weeks whilest I figured out how I'd go about it. Glad it's done and that she's tickled pink and is amazed how perfect they all came out. I am so glad she's happy. vbg
To see how others are fairing in their stash reports check out Judy Laquidera's blog Patchwork times. Mosy around her site abit. You'll be impessed, she's a very talanted and busy lady. HUmmmm, I remember when I could do so much more.......
So my report for this past Sunday, week #23 is:
My stash report for this week is:
Used this week: 0 yards
Used Year To date: 43.25 yds
Added This week: 0 yards
Added Year To Date: 59.5 yards
YTD is a gain of 16.25 yards
I did revamp a wedding party set for a friend who is getting married in July. Everything that was black had to be ripped out and changed to the soft orange. Here is the end result.
Can't claim the use of fabric though since the bride supplied it and then took the rest back with her. This has been kicking around my home for the past 3-4 weeks whilest I figured out how I'd go about it. Glad it's done and that she's tickled pink and is amazed how perfect they all came out. I am so glad she's happy. vbg
To see how others are fairing in their stash reports check out Judy Laquidera's blog Patchwork times. Mosy around her site abit. You'll be impessed, she's a very talanted and busy lady. HUmmmm, I remember when I could do so much more.......
Friday, June 4, 2010
Stash Report #22
Sorry this has been so late in the reporting. With the electrical storms passing through last week, we lost power for about 6 hours but more importantly, we lost our internet. Talk about lost!
I tried numerous things that I knew about (very limited) to get us back connected but to no avail. A neighbor and freind is great with computers, so I called for help. His schedule is so crazy and he said he'd call when he got the chance. So while visiting with a friend recently, I mentioned our disconnection with the world and she asked..."Did you call the cable company?" DUH! I thought it was a problem we had to solve ourselves since that how it used to be when we had our ISP through the phone lines, but now with the enet line through our cable for high speed, it is something they should check out and fix. Suficit to say and obviously, we're in business again. AMEN!
So my report for this past Sunday, week #22 is:
My stash report for this week is:
Used this week: 13.5 yards
Used Year To date: 43.25 yds
Added This week: 0 yards
Added Year To Date: 59.5 yards
YTD is a gain of 16.25 yards
Yippee! The numbers are getting closer, only a bit over 16 before I can actually start using up yardage. The main reason so much fabric was used was because I gave some to my Mom for a quilt she'll be making for PGS#2. She shopped my stash and has enough for it and it goes so well with the panel she brought up from Florida for the center section. I'm glad she was able to visit with us for the 4 days that she could. This trip north is a preamble to their summer sojourn. She's back in Florida now and I miss her already. It was great to see her and her manfriend. They'll be back north after their 60th class reunion. Friends set them up on a blind date knowing they were both single and they have been an item ever since.
Will catch up more later, whatever you are doing...enjoy!
I tried numerous things that I knew about (very limited) to get us back connected but to no avail. A neighbor and freind is great with computers, so I called for help. His schedule is so crazy and he said he'd call when he got the chance. So while visiting with a friend recently, I mentioned our disconnection with the world and she asked..."Did you call the cable company?" DUH! I thought it was a problem we had to solve ourselves since that how it used to be when we had our ISP through the phone lines, but now with the enet line through our cable for high speed, it is something they should check out and fix. Suficit to say and obviously, we're in business again. AMEN!
So my report for this past Sunday, week #22 is:
My stash report for this week is:
Used this week: 13.5 yards
Used Year To date: 43.25 yds
Added This week: 0 yards
Added Year To Date: 59.5 yards
YTD is a gain of 16.25 yards
Yippee! The numbers are getting closer, only a bit over 16 before I can actually start using up yardage. The main reason so much fabric was used was because I gave some to my Mom for a quilt she'll be making for PGS#2. She shopped my stash and has enough for it and it goes so well with the panel she brought up from Florida for the center section. I'm glad she was able to visit with us for the 4 days that she could. This trip north is a preamble to their summer sojourn. She's back in Florida now and I miss her already. It was great to see her and her manfriend. They'll be back north after their 60th class reunion. Friends set them up on a blind date knowing they were both single and they have been an item ever since.
Will catch up more later, whatever you are doing...enjoy!
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