On Veteran's Day, Hubby and I decided to take the 2 youngest grandchildren on a family field trip. With the service our veterans have given throughout the years, I thought it might be nice to incorporate the dilapidated military barracks at Crown Point besides check out the
bridge that has just opened.

When PGD#1 brought in newspaper articles to share about the newly opened bridge, her teacher asked her to get photos and make sure she shared her adventure when and if she got to visit it. Thus getting this for her teacher and classmates. Here is PGD#1, getting a photo op since her first grade teacher loved the old bridge. Normally we don't take pictures of a 6 year old standing in the middle of the road, but I made sure no vehicles were coming and this was a great way to get perspective of the bridge.

We figured we'd get to the middle of the bridge and let her stand with a foot in each state, NY and Vermont but it was so COLD!
The height of the bridge and the wind that swept though the wire mesh bordering the sidewalks made the bridge moan and sing. The higher we went, the louder it got and the cold pressed into us more. Her little brother didn't want to walk, he wanted to be carried so he could nestle in and protect himself from the winds. He is so smart!
I made a decision, this was nuts! We come back on another day when the weather was smoother AND WARMER besides all the area historical sites would be open then and we could really enjoy our day.

So back to the car we went. The
old fort was closed, the temperature was 39 degrees there and with the winds coming off Lake Champlain, our planned picnic outside was definitely out of the picture. I showed her by car the standing chimneys sentinels left of the old military barracks on the other side of a hill next to the road and promised we'd come back in the summer when everything was open and it was warmer. Even the road to the
Crown Point lighthouse with the
Auguste Rodin bronze bust was closed.

I also had figured that when we got home, we could do some artwork and get a couple of letters written to send off to our troops at Christmas-time thus closing up the appreciation to our veterans on this Holiday. Thanking them for keeping our country and lifestyles safe, but both kids were sleeping by the time we got home so that was a BUST.
Oh, on trying to salvage a bit of the adventure I had hoped for, I thought we'd get a treat at the nearby
Bridge Restaurant at Chimney Point. They were slammed with customers and had an hour and a half wait time. SO, back to the car we went and ended up having a picnic in the car on the way home.
You know some days, my plans just don't work out at all and today was one of them. Oh well, perhaps another day.