Seems like each month time continuously speeds up to higher warp levels lately and I am always feeling way too rushed. Several friends have lost their mothers recently so my time has been well spent just being there and attending the end of life services that have been bittersweet.
The Scaredy Sheep Scissor Fob is completed and looks nice. CHECK! that one off my list.
Table Runner for that new to me sofa table was made when I got the Halloween decorations out, CHECK! that's off my list too.
The Boo! Table Mat hasn't been started yet, but I still have 20 more hours until October ends, LOL (aren't I ever the optimist or should I say fool).
The pics towards the top of this post shows additional projects I started and finished. That carved pumpkin showing a witch stirring a cauldron over flames done on one of those perpetual pumpkins. I started it then had DH complete it since I don't have the power with my arms to control the dremel tool. It was too difficult to manage with my neck spine difficulties and he didn't mind. Thanks Honey!.
Also with the help of the youngest two grandchildren we created a beautiful wreath for our front door. It has black roses, many skeletons, and skulls along with a myriad of spiders and glittery bits of whimsical color spinning outwards. Looks great if I say so myself and I am pleased.
Perhaps I best go back to bed now and catch a few more Zzzzzz's.
Good Night,
PS: Last month's book club selected Morning Glory by LaVerle Spencer my Librarian recommended and I truly enjoyed it. Right now I'm reading November's selection of Still Alice by Lisa Genova and it's pulling me in. It's about a mid life college professor being diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and talking about screening for the APP, PS1 and PS2 mutations. I think I'll be googling that to read more about it. Even though I'm retired, that lab technician nerdy side of me still wants more information. MUWAWhaha ha ha........
Brody PGS#3 with Addison, a friend he's had since daycare, preschool and now they're in Kindergarten together. (He's insisting on her not calling him "Brodybear" anymore, lol.) |
Witchy McKenna, PGD#1 with a friend of hers she's had since they were infants, Lexus.
Their Moms are great friends too.