Blues are making me very happy this month. The RBSC has been a great incentive to work through some of my blue scraps. Those 2 additional projects I mentioned several weeks ago that were a brain glimmer are now done. Yippee!
Another snap bag, this time to hold those electronic adapters in the den near the computer.
For this I used the selvages of the fabric as the pull tabs to open the bag with.
Ahhh, gotta love a Free spirit fabric and especially since it has Nap Sack written there for all to see. lol
The other blue remnant that was used was an apron panel thrown into the scrap basket.
So I rummaged through my stash for a different blue suitable for the lining and voila.
Another languishing pig is DONE! That's 6 pigs done this month!
I think this PIG may very have been at least 12-15 years old if not older. Sad isn't it that it took so long.

The fabric looks black here but trust me, it's dark navy.
So the tally made for January is:
1 circle ear bud zippered pouch,
4 snap bags,
1 apron,
10 quilt blocks for the RBSC and
more blues are ironed and cut so they're ready for a quick use at a later time,

Made some hats with the grand children for the kitchen island's illuminated Birch tree.
It's so cute! There are 6 hats hanging on it now and I thought some ice skates or mittens out of felt could be made next year to continue the winter theme .
Also finished reading the book: The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey, a nice read. (Pulled me in quickly but I didn't care for the ending, Just saying.)

AND the Quilting is so close to being done on another community quilt for my guild that I'm calling it done!
Not too shabby.
Hopefully I can keep this momentum going for February since the color for the month is PINK.
Another project I recently started is this wool table mat. This will serve as my portable one which will be easy to take to basketball games, hockey practice/games when the fan area is warm enough to stitch that is and then speech at the local college for the youngest grand child which also will be re-starting soon, so that will make another hour I could stitch after chaffeuring him to that. ; )
The only thing wrong with this kit is one of those wools is shredding terribly without any abuse. I'll be trading that one out as I have some red remnants left over from the valentine wool wall hanging I did last year and they didn't seem to fray at all. 4 hearts stitched so far with 4 more to go then the vine embroidery to stitch. It mentions buttons but I'm thinking beads will be used on mine instead. Making me happy, happy!
For my bigger quilting project for January with the Q-1 and a ALYOF I am almost done quilting it.
We celebrated our 41st anniversary this evening so I know I won't get to it tonight, but will finish it when I get up in the am which is close enough for a January finish in my book.
A different quilt design was stitched and I will share this finish at the beginning of next week. Promise! I have the binding all made so it'll be a relatively quick finish. lol

As for the counted cross stitch project, that has progressed nicely this month too.
Catch up with my BOMs is top on my list,
RBSC- PINK HST units in sets of 4.
Start working on some of the bird projects in my PIG pile,
Quilt the brown sashing areas of the Tweet Camping Quilt,
then if enough time quilt the bird themed fabric squares too!
make the pink Rose pillow (that's a PIG),
A March themed wall hanging or two? (both of these are more PIGs),
make another doll blanket,
then make another table mat/runner or progress/finish the wool heart table mat shared on this post,
Get the snow scene finished on the bottom left section of counted cross stitch Lizzie Kate Winter's alphabet.
And Finish reading The Round House, by Louise Erdrich. It's really good so far. I'm up to page 100.
Goodbye January 2015, it's been quick but a good one.
Another snap bag, this time to hold those electronic adapters in the den near the computer.
For this I used the selvages of the fabric as the pull tabs to open the bag with.
Ahhh, gotta love a Free spirit fabric and especially since it has Nap Sack written there for all to see. lol
The other blue remnant that was used was an apron panel thrown into the scrap basket.
So I rummaged through my stash for a different blue suitable for the lining and voila.
Another languishing pig is DONE! That's 6 pigs done this month!
I think this PIG may very have been at least 12-15 years old if not older. Sad isn't it that it took so long.
The directions says Winter Wonderland Apron, but I think it more Christmas themed.
The only weird thing is that it has two Santa-s with sleds directionally heading right for each other.
The fabric looks black here but trust me, it's dark navy.
The pin dot is what was used for the lining. Any leftover navy pin dot will be used to make some more HST units for another community quilt project. I'm on a new kick with making those HST units. For the apron it seemed easiest to sew right sides together then flip it inside out to finish with a top stitch.
Since it's finished, I'll pack it away for Christmas 2015. Happy !
1 circle ear bud zippered pouch,
4 snap bags,
1 apron,
10 quilt blocks for the RBSC and
more blues are ironed and cut so they're ready for a quick use at a later time,
Made some hats with the grand children for the kitchen island's illuminated Birch tree.
It's so cute! There are 6 hats hanging on it now and I thought some ice skates or mittens out of felt could be made next year to continue the winter theme .
Also finished reading the book: The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey, a nice read. (Pulled me in quickly but I didn't care for the ending, Just saying.)
AND the Quilting is so close to being done on another community quilt for my guild that I'm calling it done!
Not too shabby.
Hopefully I can keep this momentum going for February since the color for the month is PINK.
Another project I recently started is this wool table mat. This will serve as my portable one which will be easy to take to basketball games, hockey practice/games when the fan area is warm enough to stitch that is and then speech at the local college for the youngest grand child which also will be re-starting soon, so that will make another hour I could stitch after chaffeuring him to that. ; )
The only thing wrong with this kit is one of those wools is shredding terribly without any abuse. I'll be trading that one out as I have some red remnants left over from the valentine wool wall hanging I did last year and they didn't seem to fray at all. 4 hearts stitched so far with 4 more to go then the vine embroidery to stitch. It mentions buttons but I'm thinking beads will be used on mine instead. Making me happy, happy!
For my bigger quilting project for January with the Q-1 and a ALYOF I am almost done quilting it.
We celebrated our 41st anniversary this evening so I know I won't get to it tonight, but will finish it when I get up in the am which is close enough for a January finish in my book.
A different quilt design was stitched and I will share this finish at the beginning of next week. Promise! I have the binding all made so it'll be a relatively quick finish. lol
As for the counted cross stitch project, that has progressed nicely this month too.
My February endeavors and dreams are:
Catch up with my BOMs is top on my list,
RBSC- PINK HST units in sets of 4.
Start working on some of the bird projects in my PIG pile,
Quilt the brown sashing areas of the Tweet Camping Quilt,
then if enough time quilt the bird themed fabric squares too!
make the pink Rose pillow (that's a PIG),
A March themed wall hanging or two? (both of these are more PIGs),
make another doll blanket,
then make another table mat/runner or progress/finish the wool heart table mat shared on this post,
Get the snow scene finished on the bottom left section of counted cross stitch Lizzie Kate Winter's alphabet.
And Finish reading The Round House, by Louise Erdrich. It's really good so far. I'm up to page 100.
Goodbye January 2015, it's been quick but a good one.