This past week I was able to finish the stitching Bent Creek's
"The Red Threads" months:
September, October!
Whoot, whoot!!
Am feeling so smug since the September month design wasn't finished until 10/4/15 so that means that I really flew through October's design since it's only the 9th now, not bad for a 40 x 40 stitch count.
Up next is April's.
With getting those done I skipped back towards the front and started on April's design. It's coming along nicely and am hoping to start stitching the wording that surrounds the whole piece maybe I can start that this month too. Initially had though the surround would be my January and February tasks, but am really hopeful that it will be finished by the end of January with my current plan of attack of one or two month each month with some border surround as well.
lol and fingers crossed!
Here's how it looks setting on the box which houses it when not being worked on. It's one of those decorative boxes with life affirming phrases plastered all over the surface and sets nicely on the mantel but is within reach when wanted. Am learning that working on something doesn't mean it has to be out all the time so I do put it away even though I'll be working on it again the next day. Makes for a nicer home when family and friends stop by.
It contains all my threads, pattern with the copied blown up sheets for each month, my glasses AND my magic eyes and all the other tools necessary like extra needles, scissors, etc.... I devised a sheet of paper to hold my needles with the extra thread on it which is pictured just to the right above. I try to list all the colors in numerical order and have most of the bits of thread resting under the paper.
Leftover thread on the needles are parked off the project. With stitching the needle remnants from under neath on the right side of the paper and then surfacing the needle to stitch it going in and out of the paper quickly so it's left ending up pointing to the color name and demarcation used on the pattern. Was truly surprised that some demarcation marks were used twice in the different monthly patterns but for totally different colors. Glad I double checked along the way. This system works nicely and one I'll be using again.
May's |
June's |
- I also have used the railway stitch quite a bit to get the threads to lay correctly since this is being worked on with a hand hoop.
- I also use the no knot start by taking just one thread, folding it in half leaving the loop on the long side. I thread both ends through the needle then my first stitch is essentially a lark knot start. Going up with the needle where it needs to be and going back down through the top to catch the loop on the underside which makes my first slash.
- I use the 7 to 1 orientation as if on a clock as my first half stitch of my cross.
- When just starting the design and actually on any projects worked on I typically will mark the upper left corner with a pin to know which end is top while the designs may be confusing or to early to tell what end is what. I even use this while quilt making, upper top left marks the spot.
July's |
August's |

Other projects on my immediate horizon are make more blocks for the braid quilt. Count is still at 31... hopefully next week that number will change.
Also on my wish list and
Wips be gone is the St. Patrick's Day Patch-a-bility wall hanging. Many pieces have been selected and actually cut so I need to get this monkey off my back and begin the stitching.
With the leaf season happening
we took a little trip down memory lane.....
Visited the old farmstead......
Our daughter and her peeps joined us....
Seeing the animals now in attendance,
purchasing some of the fresh chevre,.....
Visiting the old plume in Jay, ....
would you believe she and I swam through those rapids at younger ages,.....
showing her where we spent our Summer evenings listening to concerts along the waterfront at the beach front in Wilmington, NY.....
then traveling on towards Lake Placid, and ending the day with a quick meal at a favorite haunt.
It was Heavenly,
enjoy the pics.
Dear daughter age way up there and PGD#1, age 10 playing on the playground equipment. |
Beckoning me |
It won..... awe,
I love where we live! |
My Mom and I are plodders. It may take us awhile, but by and by it gets done. We'll have several projects going all at the same time and will challenge ourselves to get another block done or some more threads stitched and then push the next devoted deadline onto our to do lists. We actually do this with many household and homeowner chores too. Can't work the way I used to that would get chores done quickly, but can attempt a bit or two every day or so and then progress happens until completion.
Guess it has to do with our determined genes handed down the matriarchal family line.
Thanks Gigi!
TTFN, Jane
I'm linking to Amanda Jeans'
Finish it up Fridays, Sarah's
Can I get a Whoop whoop and A Quilting Reader's Garden
WIPS Be Gone.