Where is the time going? My world seems to speed up continuously and that seems impossible but each day is a blur. The sunsets around here continue to be spectacular! It's amazing to witness it like this at this time of year.
Some of The GRANDS: PGS#3, PGS#2, PGD#1 2015 Thansgiving at Meme and Popi's |
While preparing the feast, I received a call from lil' Miss PGD#1. She wanted to come down could I pick her up? Sure, I responded so I picked her up and she helped out quite a bit. Her brother was also invited to come since I had seen an appetizer dish I thought they'd like to create for our feast but due to some of his behavior errs was told by his Mom that now he'd have to wait until Mom and Dad came down. His loud thoughts were "that's fine by me" I'll be glad when he gets through this stage and he'll be 7 soon.
So this is what she did with just a little help from her brother. Cute isn't it!
She also made the gravy for the feast and the lil' guy helped to set the table. We had a very enjoyable day and spent some nice quality time together. Eating, visiting, football toss, football watching, clean up and then some board games. All in all so much to be grateful for.
Photo of the Grands taken at PGS#1 Birthday celebration at the end of October PGS#3, PGS#1, PGD#1 He enjoyed meeting his youngest cousin for the first time and re-visiting with his older cousin. |
The day after Thanksgiving, we spent it with the eldest grandson, PGS#1 and brought all of the dinner's leftovers to share a Thanksgiving Holiday with him. Since he just arrived at this place, he's still in the observation mode so can't he can't leave the premises at his present step. All the counselors are impressed with him and are repeatedly telling us that the individual on all the medical reports is not the same person they are seeing. We can only hope he continues to do his best.
My list of what I wanted completed is falling way short too of everything on it with the exception of my counted cross stitch- Bent Creek's, The Red Thread. Sorry that I've erroneously been giving credit to Lizzie Kate for this design. My bad! Check out all the months- they are now complete:
I've surpassed my goal for this and it's just the end of November. Yippee!!!
All that remains now is the ribbon surround on the sides and top with the phrase to stitch along the bottom. That is slated for 2016 but who knows how far I can continue with it this this year.
Some other bit's I'm grateful for are the Washington Hawthorne tree in the side yard. It's always so gorgeous at this time of year with all the berries left on the branches for many weeks. Then it seems like a flock of birds fly in overnight and devour them all in a day. Since it's wintertime, I'm never sure when that happens, but I am hoping to find out when this year.
BTW- This shot does not do it justice.
before |
Another thank I have is the side deck is completed! Yippee!! That only took 14 months! My BIL came over to help DH finish it and brought his tools with him. It's beautiful and gorgeous. The only problem is with that Trek decking being weathered for a whole year it's dirty and needs some scrubbing but right now it is way too cold to attempt that. It will have to wait until the Spring.
DH and Siamak (my dear BIL) taken the Saturday before Thanksgiving and it was bitter cold while they were working! |
THANKS Honey and SIA!!!!