Waterway at Natural Bridge, Virginia |
Our itinerary was:
- Staying first night at Cherry Hill, NJ. No sights here just hit our limit.
- Back onto route and I got to check into a stitch-y problem at the Salty Yarns in OC, MD with purchases too. 8 ~) Then traveled and stayed at Virginia Beach, VA for night two.
- Four nights in New Bern, NC seeing the local must see and do parts besides of course taking in some down time with cooking at the condo.
- A travel night spent in Jacksonville, Fl then onward to stay with Mom for a couple of weeks.
- Trip back entailed a night in Norcross, GA
- Two nights in Ashville, NC
- A week in Massenutten, VA
- Gettysburg during the day with an overnight in Johnson City, NY
- then HOME!
Seems like a lot but hubby and I can't travel in the car too long with our age and conditions so we took time and Joy in Our Journey.
I will be back to share more of what was seen and what I've been focusing on besides the trip and driving another day
TTFN and stay well.
A stone sprite winking so long.... Now where will my next path lead?
Perhaps another inspiration for my watercolor attempts?