What a whirl wind of a vacation. DH and I took our PGS#2 with us to visit my sister in Annapolis. Left the day after Easter and traveled continuously down to Md after DH saw the chiropractor since he messed up his back. Luckily the Dr. fit him in without an appointment. Finally after 2 Rx's, I was able to stop "coughing up my lungs". It feels so much better to feel better again. PGS has a predisposition to car sickness (I wonder where he got those genes from? - But I know all to well) and he did well traveling. Despite the rainy and gloomy weather the first several days, and this little bit of moaning, we all enjoyed ourselves.

Day #2- Visited the inner harbor of Baltimore to get indoors on a chilly day. The aquarium was very crowded but a great visit. Saw the dolphin show and the Imax theatre production. If you've never been, then you're missing a great experience and sights. Eventually went to the ESPN zone, checked out an old submarine that was a tourist spot docked on the waterfront, and ended at the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch.
The ESPN zone was just where a 12 year old would love to spend the entire week I think. He had a wonderful time and I must admit, so did I. We all took turns playing some of the electronic games. My first "game" was riding a horse on a race track. Picture that! I was perspiring pretty heavily by the time the race was over and embarassingly, my horse came in last. Of course, you couldn't just sit in the saddle. The designer of this game thought it would be best to do a sitting stand in the stirrups and keep your weight to the front of the stirrups, a hard pose to maintain while jerking and "riding your race horse. The horse was rocking like a real horse and you had 2 buttons on the handle bars to "whip" your horse to make it go faster with a digital picture of how you were doing. Of course, PGS#2 and I were racing, but not each other, so DH was in the background cheering me on saying, "Whip it good, whip it real good." I know I know, pretty kinky uh? But it was exhilirating. After that, I got to actually lounge in a seat that represented a car in a digital roller coaster. That was pretty tame and just what I needed to cool off. PGS#2 kept looking over at me to make sure I was okay.

Days 2 and 3 we spent in Washington DC. What a wonderful city with so many beautiful, historical and life enhancing sights. Our forefathers all had so many glowing characteristics that has made a positive change in humanity for this country. Even though DH and I have been there numerous times, we saw many new sights on this trip. Such as the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, The National Cathedral, Union Station, Ford's Theatre, and the Peterson's House. PGS wanted to see the Holocaust Museum, I became a member so that we'd be able to get in with all the vacationing students visiting the DC sights. Take an open double-decker bus tour that allowed you to hop on hop off for a 2 day period.

Day 4, we all went to Ocean City, MD and spent the day at the beach with my sister. She is so much fun. I love her dearly. I know PG#2 and she developed a special bond on this trip. We all rented bikes and rode on the boardwalk. Those 2 actually rode the whole length of the boardwalk. DH & I had a bycicle built for 2 that we rode awhile and then just stopped to "smell the sea aire". Shopping, dining alfresco and playing in the surf and sand with beautiful weather. Who could ask for a better day. Singing with sis while traveling the 2 hour ride to the beach, priceless. The following picture is of a of the few items I purchased at some shops, The first I can't remember the name of i got while on the way to Maryland and the second one, The Salty Yarn, that was conveniently was located a couple of blocks from the bike rental shop. The area where I live doesn't have any shops like this, so I was able to get the few neccessities I needed (wanted) for a couple of my future projects besides quite a few packages of the MIll Hill petite seed beads for some other items too.

Day 5 was a sister day. We had told the menfolk they would be on their own so we could spend some time with each other. Shopping at some fantastic shops and great sales were awsome. Lunch out, boutique browsing followed by a little trip to a park with a bottle of wine and of course the Cheasapeake and South RIver views on another gorgeous day with my sis. Fantastic! The men also enjoyed themselves. Canoeing, swimming for the grandson and playing with the remote control sailboat my BIL has, while the canoe was out, just in case a chase vehicle was needed. WOnderful. ALl met later for a night out courtesy us, esp. after the great hospitality and home offered to us. Then the journey home. Thanks sis & bil, we had a wonderful time and loved your home. It's nice to have a home so far away from home.
As far as recent finishes, I did complete the binding on this doll quilt that I made reversible following the directions from the
Moda Bake Shop. Here are pictures of both sides of the dollies' quilt. I quilted it in a style I saw through the pajama quilter,
Dawn Ramirez called "dwirling". It was rather easy for my first attempt at it and I know, I'll be using this design again.

And the blanket in use by PGD#1:

Stay Well and Happy Stitchin!