Since she is 78 now and will be 79 this year, I told her "Mom you will exhaust yourself by doing this and wear your self out. Please plan on just staying here and when you need to get to another place, that's fine but plan on staying overnight here instead of spreading yourself so thin." (I have 6 brothers and sisters and she didn't want to slight anybody or play any favorites!) Thankfully she listened and is using our camper as her home base while she is North. A brother had an extra vehicle that no one was using, so he lent it to her so she won't have to rely on me to get her around to meet up with friends and any other activities she wants to do. I am babysitting our grandchildren besides while my daughter's day care provider is on vacation, so with the 2 and 5 year old here most days, and with Mom being in the camper, at least she has a quiet place to retreat to when the little ones get too noisy. Sometimes I think I may run there myself! lol
Check out the oilcloth bags we both made this past week.
Mine is the brown/blue one and she made the orange/green one. This bag is the perfect size and I am so glad we stopped by Patti's Quilt Shop in Glens Falls, NY on our way home after Uncle Don's Memorial service in Ballston Lake last Monday. We spotted these kits and thought it would be fun to whip up something together. So we were able to fit it in to my schedule on Thurday (remember DH's rehab, I'm the driver and the grandchildren being here, traveling, etc.., it really eats up my days.)
There has been so much going on that I promise to catch you all up at some point. The youngest GD had her dance recital on the first weekend in June. She is such a sweet heart and a wonderful child, it's a blessing she is so smart as well as talented. Our family is truly blessed and I hope modesty is one of my blessings. I know I am a proud grandmother, and know many other grandmothers who are similiar with visons of their offsprings, so I apologise up front about how these two make me feel, my heart fills with pride and I thank the Lord for them!
She had her hair styled just perfectly.
I leave with a few photos of her and her brother of that special night. I promise, I will be back soon to fill you in more with all that has happened.
Check out PGS#3 in these photos. What a cutie pie and can I say he is "FULL of IT"! I am stunned that he has a great personality so far and an amazing sense of humor and he's just 2 1/2 years old. As for real life accomplishments he recently gave up his pacifier (going into 2 full weeks shortly) and we are working diligently on the potty training (that still has a way to go but he is understanding the concept and being a bit better about trying more in the past weeks).
Thanks so much for stopping by. I enjoy your visits and appreciate all the lovely comments. Enjoy your days.
camper and car were a perfect solution. Those grandchildren are cute, makes you want to laugh and hug them at the same time.
Things sound very busy for you, Jane, but a fun kind of busy. So nice that you can spend all this time with your mom and even create with her--your bags are both beautiful.
Oh, your granddaughter looks adorable in her patriotic dance outfit--very, very sweet young lady. And that little grandson--his personality just shines...reminds me of my youngest son when he was that age :)
Enjoy your mom's visit and hang in there with your chauffeuring duties!
Loved reading about your busy summer days and your family. Those grandkids are certainly cuties! And those bags look way fun!
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