
Monday, December 31, 2012

The New Year

What the new year will bring, we cannot know. 
Thinking back about this past year that is now folded back in time. 
There has been much good in it, although some sorrow too. 
But there always is in any given year.  
Many lovely memories and some bittersweet ones to cherish. 
Life is not a pageant of endless splendor and grandeur,
But is made up of  many small things along the way,
just like a pieced  quilt.

Now, as the clock moves irrevocably forward from yesterday to today,
I'll go outside and fill my heart with the calm intensity of this winter's moonlight. 
This is a time when my heart acknowledges the peace and  the possibilities forthcoming.
My spirit rests and silently I'll say my gratitudes.
 Happy New Year to us all,
And may we make it all the year long with gentle hearts, full of loving kindness.
Namaste and
Happy New Year! 


Deborah said...

Lovely post, Jane. Happy New Year!

Carol said...

Happy New Year, Jane!