
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Stash Report Week 3 of 2012

Used this Week:  2/3 yards

Used year to Date: 2 - 1/3 yards

Added this Week: 0 yards

Added Year to Date: 0 yards

Net Used for 2012: 0 yards

I was able to use another 2/3 of a yard this past week while finishing Cheryl's nephew Chris' quilt.   It was a PIG (project in a grocery sack) that she had wanted to make for her nephew.  The big C won and she left the bonds of earth too soon to see that realized. So a group of us took the pigs and are processing them at our own pace.  I had mixed feelings while completing that quilt, glad I was on the homestretch while sewing on the binding yet melancholy and missing my friend Cheryl.  It was with love for her that I was able to get this done and I hope Chris will feel her love when he snuggles underneath it.
Snow days at school mean that DH and I have some extra hands around the house on those days.   This past Friday was a Snow Day so we had the two youngest grandchildren here all day.  Can you say TIRED!  We kept busy but I found myself by mid day having my own little meltdown so I put myself in my own little time out to try to keep my composure.  A little sewing time by myself and I was feeling more my old self.  Amazing that it can reset me so quickly.  8-)    

So, I  started little Miss PGD#1 with her own project.    First learning the rudiments of the Singer featherweight by stitching on a piece of paper which she learned quickly.  Then I happened to have a panel of Moda dolls for her to sew.  I won't count that fabric out until the dolls are done and would you believe, I didn't have any polyester fiberfill!  Perhaps we'll get to it Monday.  They are both back since daycare is closed and School's on holiday for Martin Luther King's Day. 
Stay Warm,
PS: It's 12 degrees below zero right now.  Brrrr!

1 comment:

Carol said...

12 degrees below zero??!! I can't even imagine, Jane!!

How nice of you to care for the kids on snow days--I'm sure they always have a grand time with you :)