Stash In: 0 Yards
Stash Out: 1/2 Yards
YTD In: 31.5 Yards
YTD Used/Out the Door: 17.5 yards
So all in all that's a Net gain of 14 yards into stash for this year.
As for any projects getting done I did finish up a dish rag that was on my needles. Boy oh boy, did I ever mess up on this one. While I had these on my needles, PGS#3 (age 4 now) who loves yarn if you remember, got his paper scissors out and cut off the yarn so he could play and wind that bright lime green yarn. Of course he was scolded and then it stalled my progress. I finally focused on it this past week, halfway through I realized I was doing the wrong rows for a bit but left them evident in the center as a stripe on this dishrag. I messed up on my row count though continued on since it's only a dishrag. I'll need to count my rows in the future AND figure out a system that will work.
But it's done and will work fine for it's purpose. I may do another with this same pattern and try a row counter on my needles so I don't get lost on this next one.
Any help or hints would be appreciated.
Was able to start on an Apron for DH but layering and quilting the main panel is as far as I got so far. Maybe next week I'll be able to count some full yards!
Enjoy, Jane
LOL - it's only a dishrag and a pretty nice one at that. What mistake - grin. Like that apron too!
Oh I got so tickled when I read about your dishcloth! I'm picking knitting back up after a long time and having some fun adventures of my own :*) I love the color and I bet you will smile every time you use it!
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