Recently, well actually the day after Christmas, DH & I went to my sister's house in Vt. to deliver a quilt my Mom made for her and reconnect with her and her family. I actually found myself stumbling over words at the dinner table. WOW, how did that happen? Not sure if it was the residual effects of my illness, but I seem to think it's spending too much time with my youngest grandchildren and DH and I'm not getting enough adult stimulation. What to do?
*I rejoined a book club that I had belonged to years ago. I left it because I found it a struggle to attend and to get the reading done in time, besides the difficulty in obtaining the book through our public library system with other members of the book club. After signing up, I mentioned to the organizer that I'd be willing to be the liaison for the book club and library. Making sure we'd have enough copies of whichever books were needed at the scheduled months. (Now why didn't I think of that 3 years ago I'll never know!)
*I also figured I'd call up friends and
reconnect with them if their schedules allow(ed). It'll be great to get out of the house more besides being mentally and creatively stimulated, a great way to spend the day too, with friends. So that is what I did on New Year's Eve Day. Trudy is always an inspiration and the conversation flows freely, besides of course our love of the needle we have many similar thoughts and philosophies of life.
Anyhoo, after a pleasant visit with Trudy, I decided to go further afield and visit my friend Carole at her shop Fibre Junction. Uh hum... look what I came home with me.

Beautiful fabrics right? It jsut so happened that she was having a spectacular sale, thanks Carole! To stay honest with my stash reports for 2010 is another matter. So I need to add in that 36 yards..... the last stash report for 2010 is:
To date's Stash Report is:
Used this week: 0 yards
Used Year To date: 57.25 yds
Added This week: 36 yards
Added Year To Date: 124 yards
YTD is a gain of 66.75 yards
I have given this some serious thought. I do plan on tracking my stash for 2011 and also perhaps to track my craft expenses. Scary thought! But I do need to keep it real. Perhaps I'll use an excel spreadsheet or just a plan notepad that I hope to revamp. Stay tuned, I 'll share whichever way when I decide.
The next couple of photos are what I currently am working on.

It's the bird house quilt that I numbered 6 and that is the number Judy Laquidera pulled for her
UFO challenge. Now mind you, this actually was a pig (project in grocery sack) but it's been in my house for several years and I've been wanting to get it done, but there are usually too many other projects that I am focused on and UFOs to finish that I wouldn't allow myself to start it, so I am so happy Judy's husband picked out
#6. Thanks Vince! Here is a little snapshop of my
Janina doing the machine applique. (That's my Bernina's name and the one she's had since I adopted her many years ago, a blend from her origins and my name, goofy huh?) Here's a
link to website for her UFO for January. Gorgeous isn't it.

Since having this kit in, I am using most of the materials given including the pellon fusible. Can I say
I don't like this stuff. It's not fusing like I think it should. It also is allowing little bits of a fringing effect on the edges of the applique which don't happen when I use the Steam A Seam Light that I normally use and now know that I prefer. Now that stuff works great. No hairy edges on your applique and when you fuse it down.... it stays down, not like this pellon stuff. The changes I made with this kit are with the fabrics I'm using. I changed out the kit's brown for the tree branch (1st pictured) and also the white for the snow and ice (which isn't pictured). Why did I put this off for so long? It's really an enjoyable stitch.
Usually near the first of the year I also have tried to recap the previous year's projects. I will be getting to it but not today, check back another day, perhaps I'll find the time later this week.
Stay well and enjoy your endeavors,