
Thursday, May 14, 2020

a finish and planting

Did get this lil' thing done. 

Strip quilted a Moda grab bag featuring Rue 1800 designed by 3 Sisters purchased through Green fairy Quilts with a stash batik from my stash for the background and binding. 
Quilting was 1/4" echo stitched on the colored bands of the varying widths.  The  back side has a similar but different table runner so it's reversible.

Am always amazed that it seems to take me forever with life's interruptions and other fires presented throughout my day for me to finish my projects.  Now am finally realizing that it's me but with a state of grace and I do persevere and get some finished!  8~ /

Youngest grandson called me from his I pad.  He's getting quite shaggy and those aren't wings in his hairdo but the ceiling fan in his bedroom.  
 While visiting with him , I yelled DUCK!  He asked why - so mentioned the airplane coming down the runway toward his head.  He turned his perspective to see it and chuckled.  Of course couldn't quite capture that on film.  drats!   He admitted he was bored, and I mentioned it was too bad the social distancing was still going on, that my bathroom needed cleaning.  That's how I raised my children and grandchildren, if bored there is always a chore or two that needs attention.  Thank God they were never truly bored. hee hee   I don't mind him calling me because he's bored either.  we had a nice chat and then his sister who's 14 going on 18 now I'm sure, called me twice that afternoon too. 
Gotta love those offspring.  The eldest grand son who's 26 called too to say he missed us too.  And I know he likes it when we visit but we'll take him out for a meal if we're not hiking and I bring a picnic.  His choice of peanut butter and pickle sandwiches are easy to fix but the several hours to travel I could do without.  He's doing well but is lonely being alone. 

A peek/hint at my next project focus:

We've been gardening when the weather allows as we know when Spring is Truly here, ,it rolls in quickly. 
Stay well.


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