- The Manhattan Club *
- Of Blood and Bone
- The Rise of the Magicks
- When Breath becomes Air - BC (book club)
- Atomic Habits
- Crossing Over
- The Assassin
- Fahrenheit 451
- Black Wind
- The Final Day
- A Game For Heroes
- Don't Kiss Them Goodbye
- The Whole Truth
- A quiver full of Arrows
- Fear Nothing
- Around the World in 80 Tales
- The Perfect Happiness
- Nights of Rain and Stars
- Where I'd like to live - Couldn't find a link anywhere, sorry
- Queen of the Sun
- Educated
- Look Behind You
- Night Watch
- Woman in Cabin 10
- Island of Sea Women
- Buddha is as Buddha Does
- Princess Anna
- Night bird
- A Lawman's Christmas
- Blackbird House
- Women in Sunlight
- The Lying Game
- Death of Mrs. Westaway
- The Women
- Logan
- The Alchemist
- Hot Stuff
- Dylan
- Double Whammy
- Little House Living
- The Authenticity Project
- Under Magnolia
- Your Next Breath
- The Liar
- The Cat who Blew the Whistle
- Every Note Played
- Between the World and Me
- Blue
- The Stranger
- Tyler
- The Last Man
- Cottage by the Sea
- Transcendent Kingdom
- The Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox
- The Narrows
- The Overlook
- Big Sky River
- The Creed Legacy
- A Creed Country Christmas
- Icebound
- Two Little Girls in Blue
Thursday, December 31, 2020
2020 Books Read
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Merry Christmas 2020
This pic was shared via Patchwork Plus newsletter that I think shines light on this season nicely.
Wishing you warmth, love and a promising 2021.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Circle Play Complete
A person (Son IL) with severe nut allergies in our family, I won't use crushed walnut shells for the filler but use sand instead. Of course did I have any in? NOPE. ; ~/
So a quick run to the local sand pit to obtain some during a little snow drizzle with my flip flops on - check.
Dried it on parchment lined baking sheet after baking blueberry muffins, and other goodies, meals, etc... - check.
Sifted to remove larger bits - check.
Finished pincushion. This only took me 12 days from starting to completion. Was able to stitch it closed and then procured enough heated sifted sand to last me quite a while.
Doing my happy dance and looking for my next focus.
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Pillow Project completed
Using scraps from a quilt that was made several years ago I finally made time to artistically morph a panel from a pillow into a complementary accoutrement for my boudoir. lol
Though it's small, I did hand applique, machine applique, Ink-tense penciled it (which I quickly eliminated) and then painted with pearlescent acrylic paints in a couple of places that I didn't care for to enhance my vision of it. Lastly it was quilted in a pleasing enough playful designs for a FINISH.
Since I didn't want to make another pillow form, I inserted a folded bath towel that was recycled from the totaled camper. It works.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
testing photos - Have patience with me please
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Garden and other bits

The following are some of the lilies that are shining throughout the "island garden" .
Be still my heart!

So far the lilacs, peonies, daffodils, hyacinths, poppies, some tulips, Missouri Primroses, coral bells, Lady's Mantle, etc... have shown their glory. Currently it's lilies with hints of the daisy styled flowers like- ruddebeckia, daisies, along with bee balm and cone flowers and such coming out shortly.

The fruit trees look good so far. Crispin' Apple, plum and 2 pear trees all have a small bit of fruit coming. The kiwi vine on the arbor left a bit to be desired this year and had a late start with our weather/winter though it still provides some shade for after noon reading in the hammock chair- A birthday gift from 5 years or so, I'll actually snooze a bit and not loose my page! lol
Then our higher raised bed garden which is easier to maintain (harvest and weed).
Suffice to say there is a list of never ending chores to complete and much to repair for these 2 acres of land, but I am extremely thankful. Besides the weeding and mulching, I need to string up some deterrent for the deer where our blueberry bushes are. Crossing fingers that some holographic -reflective tape will be enough to scare/keep them away. I witnessed them last year scraping all berries with leaves off the bushes and still had too much going on to fix it then.
Especially with the grocery distributions going a bit hay wire this corona virus year, the "price gouging" that seems evident to us and just knowing that we'll be producing more of our own food and with putting them up (as Grandma used to say) to last through out the year.
Editing this info paraphrased from an article about day lilies - scientific name, Hemerocallis: in the Lake Champlain Weekly Vol 21, Issue 1 written by Dr. Dr. Leonard Perry, Horticulture Professor Emeritus at UVM
- More than 38,000 registered varieties with 15,00 +/- in production
- Inside center is called the "Throat"
- Zone between the throat and flower color is different then it's called eyed or banded
- If the edges of the flower are a different color then it's called "picotee"
- The midrib may be a different color or spotted or "dusted" over by another color
- The difference of appearance and description is typically inferred by their petals formations, ie: rounded, triangular, star shaped, ruffled or doubled if there are more than the 3 petals and 3 colored sepals (false petals that look like the petals)
- Lilies arise from bulbs and flowers from a main stalk while day lilies (origins in Asia) have thick storage roots with the later having their own scientific family Hemerocallidaceae
- Some of the best single color cultivars for Northern Gardens are: Frances Fay, Mary Todd, Stella de Oro (all yellow varieties); Barbara Mitchell, Fairy Tale (pink colored); Bess Ross, Apple Tart, Red Rum (red);Gentle Shepherd, Guardian Angel (near white); Prairie Blue Eyes (lavender); Bertie Ferris, Ruffled Apricot (orange);
- Multicolored varieties are: Custard Candy (peach w/yellow throat and red eye zone and ruffled edge); Fooled Me (golden w/ red eye and ruffled edge); both being popular newer bi-color cultivars in our region
- There are three seasons: early, mid-season and late
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Right, Wrong or indifferent... there are Consequences!
What would I have done if I was a witness to it? I hope I'd have the courage to walk calmly towards the fray and let all know they were being filmed and I already uploaded one film to the cloud. Recording what was done and said as GF was pleading and struggling to breath,
The acquittal of officers from another headline victim/murder of Eric Garner who also paid the ultimate consequence and the perpetrators now being charged with criminal intent, will be consequences....
The riots that are felt and the outrage because of recent events occurring, there are and will be Consequences! Locally someone defaced a monument with ACAB paint (meaning "All cops are Bad") this is so not true. Most law enforcement enter this service to protect and serve. Yet with years sof insults abuse some may be hardened and less amenable to the public's pleas, there again consequences.
Hate and betrayal does not wipe the slate clean of previous hates and betrayals, it only instills more hate and betrayals so it elevates the discord further yet with more consequences...
I don't have the answers as there are so many points of view on rights of individuals. Just look at the Co Vid data and where some people believe they have the right to not wear masks, go where and when they want, etc.,...there again Consequences are relative as with this current event.
Will riots make an improvement?
Will defacing public domains help?
Will attacking anything tangible prove positive?
A probation Office in Albany, NY being torn apart with fire bombs thrown in while a worker was in there..more consequences!
DH just mentioned that it was caught on tape many black outraged men clubbing a white owner who was trying to stop his property from being looted and now he too has paid the ultimate price. Now more consequences. I saw another video with four men with guerrilla styled clothes trying to intimidate an elderly women in front of her store, where she held her ground and then they attacked like the cowards they are, actually one of them using a 2 x 4 x 6-8' piece of lumber to beat her with. Wouldn't their mothers be proud of that?! I hope those thugs are found and get the consequences they deserve.
What would Jesus do?
All I can say is there are and will be consequences to everyone of what he or she said and did.
This insanity needs to stop.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Gardening continues and...
Through our local Senior Citizen's Center I signed up for an acrylic painting class a couple of years ago and enjoyed it weekly for six weeks. But with the husband's declining health I wouldn't/couldn't dedicate any more time to pursue it as priorities shifted. Last fall though I decided, enough was enough, to made time to sign up for another 6 week class on watercolor though I'd be missing one class that interfered with his monthly Boston heart transplant follow up Visit. All continues to be well, Thank the Lord! I know we have many blessings and am grateful. Anyways, I signed up for that 6 session class but this time it was with watercolors. I love it!
Though I'll not share my class etchings which showed progress I'll share these latest ones done from Feb to May 2020. I try to paint on Sundays schedule permitting.
I paint on watercolor paper "cards" as my base. My plan is to print out a set of any preferred art or just mail it off to a loved one with correspondence s needed.
All of them scattered on the dining room table. A couple were of fields of spring flowers as I remembered and hoped for, it seemed like a truly longer winter this year especially with the "Corona cations" and fear going on with the isolation. My next attempt may try to mix the script liner, watercolor, pencils and ink to see where that leads me. These are probably etchings #10-19. I'll sign off with my latest playing art session. TTFN, Jane Some day, I'd love to try something reminding me of a local fire tower .. maybe a long while off...someday. |
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Drum roll - for my needle roll - "NEEDLE FLIES"

Finished the needle roll last night! I started it last year while in Florida and initially changed the ribbon strip to a different Sue Spargo one to "make it my own" and happily stitched along quite quickly until... Yep, me.
Not totally sure of my finishing style and the colors. Didn't care for the color that Sue Spargo company had kitted for the binding and the color of the elastic band for closing. So while in the South this year with my Mom and my perfect mister, we went to Quilted Twins in Dade City, FL. I found the perfect binding IMHO and luckily for honey we didn't stay shopping too long as he passed his time with another husband left on the porch. lol
referencing a phrase in a book I recently finished mentioning a DOP (dog on porch).
I actually had my list of things I was hoping to get so I could finish some UFOs and am proud that I kept to that list yet allowing my self only one wild card purchase if there was something so drool worthy I'd regret leaving it behind.
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The Whole interior (forgive the side wards orientation but it fit best this way). |
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Left inside of roll |
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Center section show casing my first bullion wraps, bee and woven circle |
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right side interior - just noticed that the burgundy circle just to the top left of the sashiko label looks a bit like the Corona virus with all those spikes off it! |
Thursday, May 14, 2020
a finish and planting
Am always amazed that it seems to take me forever with life's interruptions and other fires presented throughout my day for me to finish my projects. Now am finally realizing that it's me but with a state of grace and I do persevere and get some finished! 8~ /
Youngest grandson called me from his I pad. He's getting quite shaggy and those aren't wings in his hairdo but the ceiling fan in his bedroom. |
Gotta love those offspring. The eldest grand son who's 26 called too to say he missed us too. And I know he likes it when we visit but we'll take him out for a meal if we're not hiking and I bring a picnic. His choice of peanut butter and pickle sandwiches are easy to fix but the several hours to travel I could do without. He's doing well but is lonely being alone.
A peek/hint at my next project focus:
We've been gardening when the weather allows as we know when Spring is Truly here, ,it rolls in quickly.
Stay well.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Happy Mother's Day

Our daughter and her family dropped by cautiously since she's an essential worker at the local hospital and has been working crazy extended hours to gift me with a local bakery special of Apple Caramel Pie.
Daffodils are dancing in the snow driven winds, thankfully the white crap doesn't stay long but those arctic temps are really getting to me! Hovering near 32 F and then consider the winds factored in it's below zero. Enough Already!!!
Recently we did get the colder crops planted in the garden. Peas, Spinach, beets all done. Will share what DH made to ease some of my garden chores. Hopefully, it'll work great and be productive.
Off to finish a long awaited sofa table runner. Love it so far and will share the finish soon.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Back from the South 2020

Waterway at Natural Bridge, Virginia |
Our itinerary was:
- Staying first night at Cherry Hill, NJ. No sights here just hit our limit.
- Back onto route and I got to check into a stitch-y problem at the Salty Yarns in OC, MD with purchases too. 8 ~) Then traveled and stayed at Virginia Beach, VA for night two.
- Four nights in New Bern, NC seeing the local must see and do parts besides of course taking in some down time with cooking at the condo.
- A travel night spent in Jacksonville, Fl then onward to stay with Mom for a couple of weeks.
- Trip back entailed a night in Norcross, GA
- Two nights in Ashville, NC
- A week in Massenutten, VA
- Gettysburg during the day with an overnight in Johnson City, NY
- then HOME!
Seems like a lot but hubby and I can't travel in the car too long with our age and conditions so we took time and Joy in Our Journey.
I will be back to share more of what was seen and what I've been focusing on besides the trip and driving another day
TTFN and stay well.
Friday, February 14, 2020
First Needlepoint Finish 2020 - Two Cabins
Designed by Nancy's Needle and the stitching started on December 23, 2019 would you believe it was finished on January 12, 2020 (it's a first for me tracking the start and the finish dates of a project - I probably will continue doing this).
Stitched on 20 Count Mono Canvas as instructed with the called for threads using a #22 Tapestry needle with one strand of:
Watercolours 063 - Black Forest
DMC Floss #310 - Black - 2 strands used with #26 needle
Stitched with the called for Stitches:
I'll be gone for about a month visiting with my Mom.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Managing and Tending Leftover Threads

I purchased a bobbin die for my Sizzix Big Kick and love how it works for making cardboard bobbins. When done stitching a project, Typically I'll print out the design I stitched and will use that image glued on one side of a bar coaster and oak tag heavy duty paper glued on the back side.

Recently I thought of color coding my hobbies so am using Orange for Needlepoint. Anything to help me easily transition from one project to the next besides know at a glance which bag to grab as I head out the door is a boon in my life. This is probably way more info than you need or want to know, it's just how I roll.
I have a whole different system I use for Eleganza (my Sue Spargo) threads I'm using on my current wool project but that topic is for another day! Share more later.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
DARE Graduation
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I love these Boys! PGS#3 on the left with his BFF, RS what a great kid! on the right Congratulations Guys! |
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Week 4 of 2020
![Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by [Clear, James]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51xiTrdQNuL.jpg)
Each year I tally my "Dream of 100" where I track projects finished, hiking, biking, trips, museums, movies, books read etc... as a way to reflect at year end and to visualize/remember how my time was spent.
For the past 5 years I've happily excelled the "self proclaimed 100"
Such as the category of reading books. I love to read and will have 2-3 going at one time. Currently am reading the Bible (daily with prayers and meditation), Atomic Habits by James Clear (on my night stand and during the day/errands and wait times), and When Breathe Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi (an audio book to listen to when I'm doing my Kitchen chores). Right now I am really enjoying the Bible and Atomic Habits so far. I thought I'd write my 2019 list of books read here for my personal reference as I continue to try to empty my shelves.
- Dead Watch
- The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane
- Memory Man
- Coffin Dancer
- Lady Killer
- Today Will be Different
- King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table
- Think Twice
- Firefly Lane
- Fly Away
- The Panther
- The Almost Sisters
- The French Gardener
- LaRose
- Someday Soon
- Lilac Girls
- Magic Hour
- NYPD Red 3
- The Things We Do For Love
- Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
- Blue Gold
- Lost City
- Exclusive
- The Lost Girls
- The Hit
- The Curated Wardrobe
- Comfort and Joy
- Shadow of Night
- Demon Seed
- A Dog's Purpose
- The 5 Secrets you Must Discover Before you Die
- Undercurrents
- Radical Kindness
- Mad River
- The Stars Are Fire
- The Talbot Odyssey
- When Organizing Isn't Enough SHED
- Notorious Nineteen
- The Best of Daily Wisdom for Women
- The Never Game
- Polar Shift
- Organizing From the Inside Out
- The Dry Grass of August
- The Art of Hearing Heartbeats
- Overdose
- Backseat Saints
- The Girl who Stopped Swimming
- Where the Crawdads Sing
- Become a Better You
- The Collectors
- The Art of Dying Well
- Deliver Us From Evil
- Keep Quiet
- Year One
- One Second After
- One Year After